Sunday, 27 December 2015

The god of small things

In chaos, I found happiness,
In what I had known as mess;
Blinded that I was these years,
By my own sorrow, and shed tears.

Alone, I thought I was left,
By friends, I felt bereft;
Little did I know, it was me,
Who had cut myself from the glee.
Joy, I rediscovered among friends,
One that knew no ends;
Friends who remained true to me,
Come joy or misery.

Alone, I craved for company,
Notwithstanding mind's cacophony;
Forgotten, lay the one I loved most -
Me, I realised had become a ghost.
Adventure, I rediscovered in cooking,
Solace in books, that were biting dust;
Patience in the haphazard traffic,
Silence in the melow music.

Alone, I fought my struggles
Cursed, I thought was my fate;
Confused, caught among the puzzles
Of life and the game that it plays.
In goodness, I found strength,
In belief, I found courage,
I opened my mind to opportunities,
I found my god in small things.

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